
Archaeopteryx Dinosaur

Archaeopteryx Dinosaur

Archaeopteryx is a genus of archosaurs whose fossils in the Franconian Alb in the Solnhofen limestones were discovered from the Upper Jurassic. Because of the large deaf about Archaeopteryx is usually the group of birds has been attributed as the original form and is close to, the members of the genus is known as the "ancient birds".

Archaeopteryx was first described in 1861 by Hermann von Meyer on the basis of an isolated feather impression. The first skeleton was discovered copy of the same year and is mentioned in the first release, followed to this day at least nine different complete skeletons. The genus Archaeopteryx shows from a mosaic (for birds) primitive, that is reptilian features that were later dropped by the modern birds (Neornithes), and derived, that is, birds typical features, but according to present knowledge, only partly as a single are characteristic for birds. It is therefore regarded as a transitional form (mosaic form), which mediates between theropod dinosaurs and birds.
Primeval include the presence of teeth and belly ribs (Gastralia), a long tail spine, a relatively small number of non-fused sacral vertebra (Sakralia), unfused metacarpal, metatarsal and tarsal bones and pelvic bones, the three finger nails, and the lack of a bony sternum .
The bird can see the typical features of modern-looking asymmetrical flight feathers, which are among one leg fused clavicles and the backward, or sideways, backwards oriented first toe (hallux) of the foot (anisodactyler bird's foot).

The bird characteristics of the first bird, however, are occupied for some feathered dinosaurs or, as in the case of the reverted first toe of Archaeopteryx, not challenged, so that some paleontologists view the Archaeopteryx is not as much bird-like than some are not the birds attributed to theropod dinosaurs (z . as Microraptor). Within the last 20 years are a variety of fossils primitive birds and bird-like dinosaur that was particularly in sedimentary rocks of the Lower Cretaceous of Northeast China (the Jehol Group) discovered, so that Archaeopteryx as a mosaic form does not stand alone, but in a (morphological, not temporal) sequence to classify the birds gradually be similar expectant dinosaurs.

Representatives of the hypothesis, the flapping flight of birds was created out of the glide from a higher point down to interpret the claws of Archaeopteryx than that of a tree climber, who slipped down from the branches. In palaeoecological studies of Mezhigirtsy some researchers came to the conclusion, that have prevailed educators in the Solnhofen limestone and a hot dry climate has probably occurred and no trees. In return, they pointed out, however, on high cliffs on the coast of the Jurassic sea, which would have as a starting point for initial flight tests can be used. Burgers and Chiappe showed that Archaeopteryx was able to restart from the ground.

The fossil record

So far, eleven more or less well-preserved skeletons of the genus Archaeopteryx, and a single feather was found. All these fossils were from the upper layers of the white law school in the quarries near Eichstätt, Solnhofen, Langenaltheim and Jachenhausen at Riedenburg. The imprint of each spring was discovered in 1860, the first skeleton of 1855 ("Haarlem specimen") and the most recent copy of 2005th These pieces are as follows (in order of the date on which the particular specimen was first recognized as Archaeopteryx):

First "The Spring", discovered in 1860 in the village quarry, Solnhofen and described in 1861 by the Frankfurt vertebrate paleontologist Hermann von Meyer (1801-1869), who coined the generic name Archaeopteryx is still valid today, was the first reported discovery. One part of the imprint is located in the Museum of Natural History in Berlin, the other side of the Paleontological Museum in Munich. Whether the isolated spring actually comes from Archaeopteryx is not known. For a long time but this specimen was the holotype problematically.

Second The "London specimen", found in 1861 on the Long Altheimer Haardt near Solnhofen, is one of the three most important species. It was the first discovery of a complete skeleton, and is the type-specimen of Archaeopteryx lithographica. It was a few months after the discovery of London's Natural History Museum (then belonging to the British Museum) from its owner, the District Medical Pappenheimer Häberlein Carl Friedrich (1787-1871) purchased. The driving force behind this was the British naturalist Richard Owen, then head of the natural history collection of the British Museum and outspoken opponent of Darwin's theories, which would prevent the purchase, that Darwin's theory of evolution is supported by the first bird. The fossil was a long time under lock and key findings were made public only gradually in small portions.

Third The "Berlin specimen" (1874-1876 found on the Blumenberg near Eichstätt), is marked with his pen marks and a well-preserved skull as probably the most beautiful and complete piece. The Finder Jacob Niemeyer exchanged the discovery of a cow in the value of 150 to 180 marks. The new owner John Doerr, a quarry owner, sold it for 2,000 marks to Häberlein Ernst Otto (1819-1886) of Pappenheim, the son of the seller of the London specimen, of the discovery well groomed. Initially interested in the Bavarian State Collection and the Yale University for the artifact, but both could not afford the high purchase price. Even a German zoologist request of Kaiser Wilhelm I did not Erfolg.Schließlich Werner von Siemens acquired the copy of 1879 for 20,000 marks, and handed it on permanent loan to the Mineralogical Museum of the Humboldt University of Berlin, which is reported to him two years later, the purchase price. It has since been one of the Museum of Natural History in Berlin since 2007 and will be exhibited permanently.

4th The "Maxberger copy" (1956 on the Long Altheimer Haardt at Solnhofen), a torso with a few pen marks, was located to the death of its discoverer Edward Opitsch 1991 in his private possession. Since then, it is considered lost.

5th The "Haarlem specimen" (1855 Jachenhausen at Riedenburg) was already in 1855, found five years before the spring, but allocated only in 1970 by John Ostrom, Archaeopteryx. This one was by Hermann von Meyer in 1860 as Pterodactyl crassipes been classified, therefore, would be species name crassipes under the priority rules of naming the names of fossils must replace litographica. This was prevented by vigorous use of Ostrom. The fragment is in possession of Haarlem Teylers museum.

6th The "Eichstätt specimen" (1951 Workerszell at Eichstätt) was initially a small predatory dinosaur Compsognathus was discovered in 1973 and again in 1974 by Peter Wellhofer described. The piece is in the possession of the Jura Museum in Eichstätt.

7th The "Solnhofen specimen" was discovered in the 1960s by a Turkish guest workers in the vicinity of Eichstätt and also initially misidentified as a Compsognathus, 1988 but described by Peter Wellhofer. It hangs in the mayor-Mueller Museum in Solnhofen (2001 decided by the Higher Regional Court of Nuremberg, that the fossil will not be released to a quarry owner must, who had argued that it had been stolen in 1985 from his possession, the dismissal of the action has become final;. Yet is the real origin is still not completely resolved).

8th The "copy of the Solnhofen shares Association" (found in the summer of 1992 in a quarry in the "Solnhofen stock Verein AG" on the Long Altheimer Haardt at Solnhofen) can be seen in the Paleontological Museum in Munich. In 1993 the discovery of Peter Wellhofer as a new species Archaeopteryx bavarica was introduced into science. The beautiful feather impressions and very well-preserved skeleton allowed many new insights. Described as of Wellhofer sternum structure had proved by recent studies as part of the Raven leg. The potentially quite good flying skills, however, will remain as the sternum was probably present as a cartilaginous structure. Numerous details of the skull, jaws and the tail of the great prehistoric bird magpie opened new perspectives on the evolution of birds. Through this particularities of this last great discovery is undoubtedly one of the three most important, some consider it even more beautiful than the Berlin specimen.

9th A very fragmentary, ninth Fund (copy 8) since 1997 was documented only by a cast, and owners were long unknown repository. 2009 presented the fossil dealers Raymond Albers village's acquired copy of the Munich Mineral Show for the first time the public.

10th In 2004, a further, likewise fragmentary reports Fund, which now is in the mayor-Müller Museum Solnhofen.

11th The "Thermopolis specimen" was purchased in 2005 by the owner of the Wyoming Dinosaur Center in Thermopolis and studied among others by Gerald Mayr, the results were published in the Science issue of December 2005. Outstanding in the new copy is next to its extremely good condition, the fact that is first shown to the head from above and having the metatarsals an upward extension.

12th The most recent example was discovered in 2011 by a Finder, whose name is kept secret as well as the locality.


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