
Extinction of Dinosaurs

Extinction of Dinosaurs
How the dinosaurs died ?
How the dinosaurs become extinct? This is a question that puzzled scientists since dinosaur fossils were discovered. There are many theories on how dinosaurs became extinct. This page shows some of the most popular thoeries. Note that there is no absolutely proven theory. Nobody knows exactly how and why the dinosaurs became extinct.
The most popular theory right now is the asteroid theory. According to this theory a large asteroid or comet collided with Earth about 65 million years. Scientists believe that such a collision would be so much dust in the air, the sunlight to shine, and die not in a position to throw plants and animals. The dramatic changes in the climate of this collision were too huge for dinosaurs. They were not able to survive.
Another theory that could explain how the dinosaurs became extinct is volcanic activity. A significant increase in volcanic activity about 65 million years ago could be so much ash into the air that it blocked the sun kills the dinosaurs pumped.
Some scientists believe that there is an ice age. Over land, there were many ice ages. The last one ended about 10,000 years ago. A very severe ice age have changed temperatures and frozen water on Earth. The dinosaurs could not live under these conditions and thus the extinction of dinosaurs.
It was also suggested that the disease killing the dinosaurs. A very deadly disease and can be contagious among the dinosaurs forcing them to have eliminated traffic.
Another theory is that the Earth could only gradually and not in the climate over a long period and dinosaurs changed over the radiator, air dryer to adjust.
There are probably other theories on how dinosaurs became extinct. One thing is certain. All dinosaurs, know that we are extinct. Like all dinosaurs became extinct? Maybe one of these theories is the correct answer. However, it is difficult to explain why the dinosaurs became extinct, but many other animals survived. Maybe one day we will know for sure how dinosaurs became extinct. Until then, we must speculate and continue the search for the answer to this great mystery of nature.


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